Hiya, I’m Elaine!
I am a writer, home cook, and bon vivant who lives in Chicago. Currently I work in Finance during the day and test recipes at night. I love to create cocktail pairings, create themed meals for friends, and visit breweries all over the midwest with my husband and my dog, Daisy.
My husband and I both have strong UK blood in our families - he’s intensely Scottish and I like to think of myself as a Knickerbocker Glory of UK heritage. To honor this, we travelled all throughout the UK for our honeymoon. It was this trip that I first tried haggis, Beef Wellington, and monkfish - items that I’d always heard dismissed and sneered at by so many. Every dish I had during my 2 weeks abroad made me feel like I was surrounded by love and a sense of "home", no matter the city or pub. It was this experience that inspired me to learn more about the history, tradition, and fellowship that I had been missing until now.
Enter the blog! I want to share everything that excites me about this corner of the culinary (and physical) world; and I’m mighty chuffed to have you join me! Interspersed among my UK recipes you’ll find your fair share of Chicago-centric delicacies. Because what’s the use in introducing you to these delightful dishes without a little hometown handshake?
So pull up a stool, pour a pint (or a cuppa), and let’s get our hands buttery. Slàinte Mhath!